Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

annoyance and anger

I really, really am lucky to have a loving family, and they truly mean the world to me.
I really DO want to show my love and devotion to them, but...
sometimes, it's hard.
I ordered a chalice with the 3 faces of the Goddess on it and a pentacle wall plaque via the internet:

They look beautiful, at least to the ones of the Craft.
But my mom, she totally went like "What is that?! THAT symbol... you KNOW, THAT symbol... It won't take long and they're gonna find out about this..." i remembered earlier conversations of me wearing a pentacle necklace or hanging up pictures of it etc. She was, like, it's a Nazi symbol, or a forbidden one, or a radical right-wing symbol... It's evil, and forbidden, and whatnot...
And whenever she goes like this, I totally FREAK OUT. I can't tame my anger, anymore... it just gets to my core. I mean, I love my mother, I love my family, but they SO remind me of conservative Christians that burned the Wise Women, Crones, Sages... in a nutshell, Witches, hundreds of years ago.... They're so intolerant towards this path... Sigh.
Concerning that problem, I'm going to be glad to be living on my own, soon... It's going to be for the better of all of us. I can fully practice and embrace my path, hang up those symbols I like, perform rituals, etc, and my family, on the other side, won't be concerned with anything about my faith anymore.
It's kind of sad that it has to be that way, I would've really liked to share the energy of Wicca/Paganism, but... you can't force people, and it obviously doesn't work out in my family. 
My heart is so heavy at the moment, and I really feel sad, but... I can't quit either of those two things, my faith and my family, so I'll keep them separate. 
Goddess, wash away my tears, my anger and my sadness.

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