Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Going back to where I came from...

After reading some stuff and doing some thinking, I decided that Beltane is a great time for a certain thing I'll be doing... Since I'm finding my problems dealing with connecting to the Goddess and the God as well as to Nature, in general, I decided to formally dedicate myself to Wicca, for a year and a day. I know, I've decided that I'd rather call myself an Eclectic Pagan, but... I want to start small, all over again. I've ordered this book:

It is said to have one lection for every day of the day and a year challenge, and I thought it would be a great way for me to dedicate myself to the Craft. I want to study one lection EVERY day, and do my meditations and prayers every day. I also won't be celebrating Beltane formally, this year, I'll just do a meditation as I want to do the next sabbath as soon as that book is here. If it isn't here by May 6th, I think I'll still be doing the esbat ritual with my friend Chelsea, as I'm really looking forward to it =) 
I think it's also really a good idea as when I'm finished with this challenge next year, I'll already be living on my own and maybe be able to join a coven or a study group, a few months after completing the Year and a Day thing. 

So, in the Wiccan style: Blessed Be, guys :) )O( xx

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