Montag, 23. April 2012


Okay, it's morning, and I just woke up...
I had a quite vivid dream I wanted to share. I have dreamt about life after death, I guess. Our soul/spirit leaves our body and enters one day or the other the realm of faerie. In a really, really small hall (since Faeries to me are the Little People) we meet the Faery Queen who guides us forward. We turn into little balls of light rising up and raining down in the hall, and after that we return to... Where we return was not revealed to me, unfortunately, but... This dream really seemed like a message from the Goddess, doesn't it? x
Another dream I had was about a girl, a witch, I met on facebook 2 months or such ago, and we really talked and liked each other until she basically disappeared. I was worried sick, tried to contact her and everything, but she wouldn't appear. However,this night I had a dream of her sending me a message, and she really did!! I've seen things in my dreams for as long as I can remember... Not every night, but once in a while...

Acknowledge your dreams!!! And always dream :) x

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