Samstag, 21. April 2012

A Love Shrine...

Okay, I'll definitely write a post on what I think about love, soulmates etc., but this has to come first.
It's almost Bealtainne, and after an encounter with someone I once thought to possibly be a soulmate, I was bitterly disappointed, and decided to not focus on one person, but to give it into the hands of the Goddess to draw me and my soulmate(s) together.
I did this by going to the woods, every day (since I have school, again, I can't do this anymore), and giving some offering - flowers, blossoms, a piece of parchment, a self-painted stone - to the spirits, faeries, dragons, the god and the Goddess at a special rock, I visualized the properties that person should have, and asked for them to come my way.
However, today in the afternoon, I suddenly put up a small shrine dedicated to Love, The Great Rite, Soulmates, The Union Of The Horned One And The Goddess. It looks like this:

I used a small wooden box as the base for it. This was just a plain, cheap wooden box I got from an Arts and Craft store, and I painted it black and added a Goddess symbol with a pentagram in the Full Moon with white paint. Today, in the afternoon, I put this lovely picture of the Horned Hunter/the King Stag and the virgin Maiden Goddess to it as to me, they are the ultimate lovers, the creators, the ones that are the source of all love in us. Although my path is mostly Celtic, I decided to add the shell as I kind of love Aphrodite (I MUST meditate on her and see whether I'll work with her, as well, the next time), and shells/water represent healing (from past wounds), emotion, feeling and intuition as well as the Divine Feminine to me, and I put a plastic rose in it. The rose is -- of course -- to represent love and passion, and it's plastic as I didn't want to hurt any living flower, and this one can't wither -- hopefully, the love with my soulmate if I find them won't wither, either. The last thing I did was add rose quartz crystals. Rose quartz is for healing, emotion, and love, it helps you evoke feelings of sympathy and to draw near your soulmate. 

It's a pretty basic shrine, but... we'll see how it works for me. 
Here's another pic, a close-up, I think...

Goddess Bless, everyone. 

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