Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012


Over the past weeks, I've faced some challenges...
I've quit Church, I've been at the doc after being totally freaked out about nothing...
I've talked a lot to a really nice girl who's quite a great friend...
And I've fallen, somehow, for someone... I won't mention any name or occupation, just that I thought we could of been friends, but...
Since things were kinda unsure, I asked that person whether or not they would confirm my friend request on facebook. I got an answer, an hour ago. And that answer was one simple word: Rejection.
But it's fine. I'm dealing better with it than I thought I would.
I asked the Goddess for answers, so often, these days, and now finally, she's given me one.
Okay, it wasn't the one I expected, but... it's an answer nevertheless.
Now I think I can focus on my studies and my A-Level exams without distraction.
Goddess, somehow I'm sad, but... I was sadder, before, and I'll just look into the future, never back to the past. After all, I'm a tough witch, and as long as I stay confident, keep some friends that really matter and trust in my Goddess, everything's going to turn out alright.
For now, I'll just say, blessed be.
Send me lots of energies, I'll need it.

Full Moon Ritual with Chelsea :)

Okay, tonight's a full moon, so me and my English friend Chels are going to do an Esbat ritual.
I'll post the exact structure afterwards, but those are my altar pics :)
I put it on the windowsill as I want to get as close to the Moon as possible. On it, I have my Triple Goddess Chalice (inside are a turquoise and a red jasper which I'm going to charge, later), next to the Goddess of Avalon picture as she's so important in my path. On the right of this, I have a simple white candle representing everything, and a green selfmade clay pentagram. On the left side, there are a yellow candle for happiness, and an incense burner as well as my Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards.
I plan to do a reading afterwards as I've faced a challenge that was very important to me. I won't say much, Chels knows what it's about, but basically it's that I've been putting huge amounts of energy into one person, and that person rejected me an hour ago. Sad, but I'm facing it with pride. Ive asked the Goddess for answers, and she gave me one. I'm not happy, but I guess it's for the best. Anyways, I want to make a total transformation now, and I'll ask the cards which direction I will go. As for the necklace hanging from the hook, it's one I charged a few days ago in the sunlight to help me when trying to connect to that person that dumped me, so I want to use the energies of the Moon to cleanse it, to rid it of everything that reminds me of that person. Who knows, maybe I'll bury it? or destroy it...

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012

My Shadow Self...

today was a day off... however, as soon as I'm alone I get depressed....
So what I did today out of depression was draw one of my Shadow Selves...
I really like it, it represents the darkness that's within my soul, sometimes...

Sonntag, 29. April 2012

What I want to Do before Dying

Graduate from High School

Go to Uni

Go to England

Go to Ireland

Marry and get children

Write and publish (a) book(s)

Meet all the dear Pagans that are close to me online

Meet Lady GaGa *-*

Draw an absolutely gorgeous painting

Go swimming by full moon with my love

Get a lovely body

Be happy

Find the Gods

Face and lose my fears

[To Be Continued...]

Taking a big step, personally....

Just wanted to mention this as it is quite an important thing for my spiritual path, in the future :)
I've been an altar boy ever since I was in 3rd grade... I've enjoyed it sometimes, hated it, too, sometimes...
I went to church every second Sunday, and I even prayed the Christian prayers...
For a few months, now, I haven't been saying the prayers of Christ, anymore... It just didn't feel right.
And I just message our Reverend that I would take a break from being an altar boy. Since my exams are coming up, I said, I would need all the time I could get to study.
I know, it may seem like a temporary break, at the moment, but... I won't go to Church, anymore, really...
For a golden year and a day I'll practice only the Ways of Wicca... The only occasion I MIGHT go to church for would be when a mass is held for a relative, or if -- goddess, help -- someone's funeral would take place.
Since the year and a day project is a commitment to a certain path, in my case Wicca, it would feel like cheating, I guess, if I passively practiced the Christian faith, any longer.

Just wanted to share this :)
I'm wishing all of you a nice day of the sun, today )O(
Goddess Bless.

Going back to where I came from...

After reading some stuff and doing some thinking, I decided that Beltane is a great time for a certain thing I'll be doing... Since I'm finding my problems dealing with connecting to the Goddess and the God as well as to Nature, in general, I decided to formally dedicate myself to Wicca, for a year and a day. I know, I've decided that I'd rather call myself an Eclectic Pagan, but... I want to start small, all over again. I've ordered this book:

It is said to have one lection for every day of the day and a year challenge, and I thought it would be a great way for me to dedicate myself to the Craft. I want to study one lection EVERY day, and do my meditations and prayers every day. I also won't be celebrating Beltane formally, this year, I'll just do a meditation as I want to do the next sabbath as soon as that book is here. If it isn't here by May 6th, I think I'll still be doing the esbat ritual with my friend Chelsea, as I'm really looking forward to it =) 
I think it's also really a good idea as when I'm finished with this challenge next year, I'll already be living on my own and maybe be able to join a coven or a study group, a few months after completing the Year and a Day thing. 

So, in the Wiccan style: Blessed Be, guys :) )O( xx

Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

annoyance and anger

I really, really am lucky to have a loving family, and they truly mean the world to me.
I really DO want to show my love and devotion to them, but...
sometimes, it's hard.
I ordered a chalice with the 3 faces of the Goddess on it and a pentacle wall plaque via the internet:

They look beautiful, at least to the ones of the Craft.
But my mom, she totally went like "What is that?! THAT symbol... you KNOW, THAT symbol... It won't take long and they're gonna find out about this..." i remembered earlier conversations of me wearing a pentacle necklace or hanging up pictures of it etc. She was, like, it's a Nazi symbol, or a forbidden one, or a radical right-wing symbol... It's evil, and forbidden, and whatnot...
And whenever she goes like this, I totally FREAK OUT. I can't tame my anger, anymore... it just gets to my core. I mean, I love my mother, I love my family, but they SO remind me of conservative Christians that burned the Wise Women, Crones, Sages... in a nutshell, Witches, hundreds of years ago.... They're so intolerant towards this path... Sigh.
Concerning that problem, I'm going to be glad to be living on my own, soon... It's going to be for the better of all of us. I can fully practice and embrace my path, hang up those symbols I like, perform rituals, etc, and my family, on the other side, won't be concerned with anything about my faith anymore.
It's kind of sad that it has to be that way, I would've really liked to share the energy of Wicca/Paganism, but... you can't force people, and it obviously doesn't work out in my family. 
My heart is so heavy at the moment, and I really feel sad, but... I can't quit either of those two things, my faith and my family, so I'll keep them separate. 
Goddess, wash away my tears, my anger and my sadness.

Montag, 23. April 2012


Okay, it's morning, and I just woke up...
I had a quite vivid dream I wanted to share. I have dreamt about life after death, I guess. Our soul/spirit leaves our body and enters one day or the other the realm of faerie. In a really, really small hall (since Faeries to me are the Little People) we meet the Faery Queen who guides us forward. We turn into little balls of light rising up and raining down in the hall, and after that we return to... Where we return was not revealed to me, unfortunately, but... This dream really seemed like a message from the Goddess, doesn't it? x
Another dream I had was about a girl, a witch, I met on facebook 2 months or such ago, and we really talked and liked each other until she basically disappeared. I was worried sick, tried to contact her and everything, but she wouldn't appear. However,this night I had a dream of her sending me a message, and she really did!! I've seen things in my dreams for as long as I can remember... Not every night, but once in a while...

Acknowledge your dreams!!! And always dream :) x

Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Doreen Valiente

I find Doreen Valiente quite inspiring, I want to learn more about who she was xx 

Doreen Valiente was perhaps one of the most respected English witches to have influenced the modern day movement of Witchcraft.  She was an early initiate and High Priestess of Gerald Gardner and did much to co-write with him the basic rituals and other materials that helped to changed and shaped contemporary Witchcraft as it is perceived today.  As Gerald Gardner is now commonly thought of as the "Father" of contemporary Witchcraft, so Doreen is known affectionately as the "Mother".
Doreen was born Doreen Edith Dominy the daughter of Harry and Edith in Mitcham, South London, on the 4th January 1922.  Little is known of her family except that they were Christian and very religious.  During her early years the family lived near Horley in Surrey, and here Doreen had her first psychic experiences.  When she was just seven years old, she became fascinated with the motion of the moon as she studied and gazed at it from the garden, and while doing so experienced her first spiritual contact:
"I saw what people would call the world of everyday reality as unreal, and saw behind it something that was real and very potent.  I saw the world of force behind the world of form".
Far from a disturbing experience, it did more to boost her intrigue in the true nature of life's existence:
"Just for a moment I had experienced what was beyond the physical.  It was beautiful, wonderful, it wasn't frightening.  That, I think, shaped my live a lot".
At the age of thirteen, Doreen begun to experiment with simple magic.  Once when learning that her mother, who worked as a housekeeper, was being constantly harassed and tormented by a co-worker.  Doreen was able to obtain a few strands of the women's hair, and concocted a spell to stop her bullying.  The spell apparently worked but her devoutly Christian family, perhaps out of fear, were far from happy and sent Doreen away to convent school.  Doreen walked out of the convent when she was fifteen and refused ever to return.
As time went by, Doreen became more aware of her own psychic abilities and began to read and study all the occult material she could lay her hands on, including the works of:  Charles Godfrey LelandAleister Crowley and Margaret Alice Murray whom she particularly admired.  
On the 31st January 1941 having just turned 19, Doreen was working as a secretary in Barry, South Wales.  There she met and married her first husband 'Joanis Vlachopoulos'.  Not a lot is known about Joanis, except that he was a 32 year old 'Able Seaman' serving with the Merchant Navy out of Cardiff.  This was a dangerous occupation at that time as the course of World War 11 spread across Europe and our navy's struggled to re-supply troops and forces employed over there.  On a daily bases, many ships and seamen were lost as they crossed the treacherous waters of the Atlantic.  Just six months after their wedding, Joanis was reported missing at sea and presumed dead.   Despite her loss, Doreen continued to work as a secretary in Wales, then later moved to London.
On the 29th of May 1944, just a week before the Normandy Landings, Doreen married her second husband Casimiro Valiente.  Cosimiro was a refugee from the Spanish Civil War, who while fighting with the Free French Forces against the German occupation, had been wounded and sent back to England as an invalid.  He met Doreen while convalescing in London and they were married at St Pancras Registry Office.  They would remained together for the next 28 years until Cosimiro died in April 1972.
Sometime after the war ended, Doreen and Cosimo moved from London and took up residence in Bournemouth, not to far away from the New Forrest area where Gerald Gardner had first been initiated into Witchcraft.  After the bombed-out ruins of war-time London, the peace and tranquility of the area appealed to Doreen and such was it's history steeped in folklore, her interest in Witchcraft, the Occult and Psychic Phenomena was re-kindled.  In 1952 shortly after the repeal of the old witchcraft laws, Doreen read an article about Cecil Williamson who was opening a Folklore Center of Superstition and Witchcraft based on the Isle of Man.  The article mentioned a coven still operating in the New Forrest area, and this so intrigued Doreen that she wrote to Williamson seeking further information.  Williamson in turn passed her letter on to Gerald Gardner.
After corresponding back and forth for a while, Doreen expressed her interest in joining a coven.  Gardner invited Doreen to tea at a friend’s house near the New Forrest.  During the summer of 1952 in a little town called Christchurch, Hampshire, there still lived a lady called 'Dafo', the very same lady who had introduced Gardner to the New Forrest coven in the autumn of 1939.  She wisely used 'Dafo' as a pseudonym, because it was only a year before that the old antiquated 'Witchcraft Act of 1735' was repealed, and 'technically', witchcraft was still considered by many a criminal offence, and to declare oneself a Witch could bring about all sorts of social complications. 
At this first meeting in Dafo's home, Gardner didn’t invite her to join his coven, but presented Doreen with a copy of his book 'High Magic’s Aid'.  This he did to all potential initiates in order to gauge their reactions to ritual nudity and scourging.  After further correspondence, a year later  in 1953, Doreen received her first degree initiation into the Craft.  Tradition demanded that an opposite member of sex conduct the initiation, and so Gardner decided to conduct it himself.  On Midsummer's Eve he was due to attend a 'Druid Solstice' gathering at Stonehenge, where he was to loan the 'Order' his ritual sword.  Traveling in from his witchcraft museum on the Isle of Man, on his way he stopped off at the home of Dafo to initiate Doreen.  That evening Doreen was reborn as "Ameth" the pseudonym or craft name as it is called, by which she was to be known.
During the initiation Gardner used his own Book of Shadows containing as he claimed, information and remnants of rites taken from an Old Religion passed down through the ages to the old New Forest Coven, but from it he also read a passage Doreen instantly recognized.  It came not from an old religion, but from a more contemporary source, the 'Gnostic Mass' written byAleister Crowley.  Gardner then gave Doreen free access to his 'Book of Shadows' and other materials he had collected.  He still claimed most had been passed down to him from the old coven, but much of it was fragmentary.  Doreen immediately recognized some of Crowley's other work among his material, but accepted Gardner’s assertion of how it came to be there.  Working in collaboration with Gardner, she began to re-write his 'Book of Shadows' using her considerable poetic gifts.  Due to his unsavory reputation, she removed much of Crowley’s influence and instead inserted the influence of Charles G. Leland, this is evident in her most famous piece 'The Charge of the Goddess'.  This revised version of the Book of Shadows served as the basis for what was to become known as “Gardnerian Wicca”, which still today is one of the most dominant traditions of contemporary Witchcraft.
From these early beginnings we can how Doreen Valiente's influence helped to shape and mould the future of modern witchcraft as it evolved into many other traditions.  Doreen was also credited with increasing the emphasis on Goddess worship and thus transforming the craft into a fully-fledged Religion.  
By 1957 however, a rift was starting to form between Gardner, Doreen (now his High Priestess) and the rest of his coven.  It was caused mainly by his relentless pursuit of publicity and would lead to Doreen (and others) leaving his coven.  In her autobiography 'The Rebirth of Witchcraft' she explains:
"that as the coven's High Priestess, she felt that by speaking to the press, Gardner was compromising the security of the group and the sincerity of his own teachings".
As was his way, Gardner persisted forcing a separation, so Doreen left to set up her own coven with a man called Ned Grove.  Later, before Gardner died, they restored their friendship and mutual respect, but never to the same degree as before.  
Life then changed dramatically for Doreen in 1964, when both her mother Edith, and Gerald Gardner died.  It was also the year, perhaps due to the growing tensions of internal politics emerging within Gardnerianism, that Doreen decided to move on and take up with another tradition.  She was initiated into the 'Clan of Tubal-Cain', a coven run by Robert Cochrane.  Cochrane claimed to be a hereditary witch and was the founder of the tradition now referred to as the '1734' tradition, a tradition allegedly handed down through his family.  However, Doreen soon became disillusioned with Cochrane as she began to realize he was more fiction than fact.  He was openly contemptuous of Gardnerian Witches, which irked her, and when she noticed his obsession with 'witches potions' (Drugs), she left him.  Cochrane died in 1966 in what would appear to have been a ritual suicide, he had ingested belladonna leaves, more commonly known as 'Deadly Nightshade'.
Into the 1960's, a time that brought change to many people, in many ways, and a time that changed many public perceptions.  Freedom was in the air, a sexual revolution started, rock and roll was here to stay, and peace movements proliferated as people took to the streets against war, racism and environmental issues.  Social upheaval led to the old-fashioned ideas that Governmental-control and suppression, as well as public opinion could be changed.  The public had finally found a voice.
From this social freedom emerged many alternative 'New Age' traditions as people cast of the restraints of orthodox religion.  Some witches took advantage of this new found freedom and the likes of Sybil Leek and Alex and Maxine Saunders became media personalities actively courting publicity.  Many Elders of the craft still refused to come forward publicly, and stoically shunned all contact with anyone outside the Craft.  Doreen was one of the few who managed to find a middle-ground, she never denied paganism nor feared to speak out in its defense.
After the death of her husband Casimiro in April 1972, Doreen began to devote much of her time to writing.  Her first book was 'An ABC of Witchcraft' (1973), which soon became a sought after book.  It was followed by 'Natural Magic' (in 1975) and 'Witchcraft for Tomorrow' (in 1978).  These three books did much to established Doreen as an authority on Witchcraft and magic.  Many of today's leading authors, researchers and pagans then contacted Doreen, who helped them with her knowledge, anecdotes and personal reminisces of leading craft figures.  For those more discerning, she also made available her large and extensive private library, and by guiding their research, proof-read and edited many of their works .  In this way Doreen helped and contributed to many of today's leading Wiccan titles.
It was also in the 70's that Doreen spoke out and challenged the British Government, who perhaps out of ignorance were attempting to pass new legislation against Witchcraft.  However, they hadn't expected the persistence of someone like Doreen Valiente.  She succeeded in lobbying the 'Member of Parliament' concerned, and in the end the new laws were never passed.
In 1980, Doreen began her quest and search for 'Old Dorothy Clutterbuck', the High Priestess who had allegedly initiated Gardner into Witchcraft in 1939.  So little was known about Old Dorothy, that many craft skeptics believed she never existed and was merely a figment of Gardner’s imagination.  Doreen set out to disprove these allegations and after a diligent and determined search, succeeded in proving through 'Birth and Death records', that Old Dorothy had indeed been a real person.  Her account of the search which lasted over two years is published as “Appendix A” in Janet and Stewart Farrar’s book - 'A Witches Bible'.  She also wrote and had published her own autobiography, 'The Rebirth of Witchcraft' in 1989.
Through-out the last three decades of her life, Doreen gave freely of her time and energy, and contributed much of her research, knowledge and experience, not only through her writing and poetry, but through her personal appearances and public speaking at events and conventions regularly organized by the 'The Pagan Federation' founded in 1971.  In her efforts to provide genuine information on Paganism, and to counter the many misconceptions about it's religion, in 1995 she agreed to become 'Patron' of the 'Center for Pagan Studies'.  It was founded by John Belham-Payne, her last High Priest and working partner, and it was to the 'Center for Pagan Studies' that Doreen made her last public speech.

Doreen Valiente  -  January 1999

In her later years Doreen lived in Brighton, Sussex, where after a long struggle with cancer, illness finally overcame her.  In her last few days she was moved to a nursing home for extra care and attention, and there friends would visit and keep her company.  Through-out her final mortal hours, John Belham-Payne and his wife Julie were at her bedside, and at 6.55 a.m. on the 1st September 1999, she cross the threshold into the Otherworld.
Doreen had been a strong person in life, strong in her belief's through-out her life, and while her illness sapped her physical strength, she retained her mental strength right up until the end.  Just two weeks before she passed away, Doreen notarized her 'Last Will and Testament'.  In it she bequeathed to John Belham-Payne her extensive collection of witchcraft artifacts, her personal library, and copyrights to all her writings, research material and poetry for prosperity.  The artifacts included many items made for her by Gerald Gardner, together with some of his ritual items, his original Book of Shadows and her own Book of Shadows, thought by many to be contemporary witchcraft’s most important documents.  She also requested John to perform a simple pagan service for her funeral and invite all her friends to the same. 
One of her last wishes John tells us, was that the poetry she had written over the years, be published.  To achieve this last wish, John and his wife Julie moved to Spain in the following year 2000.  This allowed them the time and freedom to restore and archive Doreen's now famous collection, and more importantly, to publish posthumously her final gift to the community, a new book of her poetry entitled "Charge of The Goddess" (published in 2000 by Hexagon Hoopix, the publishing arm of the Hexagon Archive).  The book is available to order on-line from
Doreen's contributions to modern day Witchcraft are immeasurable, and yet she was one of the few early pioneers who shunned publicity.  She believed that a certain amount of secrecy on the part of covens should and ought to be maintained, and that the future of paganism in the age of Aquarius, lies in feminism and Green issues associated with the environment.  In her last address to the National Conference of the Pagan Federation, held at Fairfield Hall in Croydon, London on the 22nd November 1997, she stated that:
"The initiates of the ancient pagan Mysteries were taught to say 'I am the child of earth and Starry Heaven and there is no part of me that is not of the Gods".  If we in our own day believe this, then we will not only see it as true of ourselves, but of other people also.  We will for instance cease to have silly bickering between covens, because they happen to do things differently from the way we do them.  This incidentally is the reason why I eventually parted from Robert Cochrane, because he wanted to declare a sort of Holy War against the followers of Gerald Gardner, in the name of traditional witchcraft.  This made no sense to me, because it seemed to me, and still does, that as witches, pagans or whatever we choose to call ourselves, the things which unite us are more important than the things which divide us".

"I was saying this back in the 1960s", she continues, "in the days of the old Witchcraft Research Association and I repeat it today.  However since those days we have, I believe, made great progress.  We have literally spread worldwide.  We are a creative and fertile movement.  We have inspired art, literature, television, music and historical research.  We have lived down the calumny and abuse.  We have survived treachery.  So it seems to me that the 'Powers That Be' must have a purpose for us in the Aquarian Age that is coming into being - "So Mote It Be".

Time will tell whether her new book of verse will be recognized for its spiritual and literary values.  Designed for practical use in Witchcraft, it may well in time be used for fresh inspiration and contemporary thought, and even become a template for a new generation of Wiccans, those who have finally arrived in the new age of Aquarius, a new era in a new millennium.

May you be returning on the North wind!!!

Oracle Cards Haul

I'm a Shopaholic.
I admit it, but... I SO loved these cards.
Therefore, I ordered 5 decks of Tarot/Oracle cards *yay*
The ones I ordered are:

Wisdom of Avalon Tarot 

Celtic Mini Tarot

Arthurian Tarot

Goddess Oracle Cards

Wisdom of the Hidden Realm Oracle Cards

Stone Circles...

Stone Circles are natural magick circles, they were created by the Earth itself as boundaries between the Wise Men and the common folk. Within the midst of those huge and powerful and ancient megalith rings, Witches, Druids and other cunning folks wove their magick, communed with Otherworldly beings, and celebrated the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. 
I want to go to Uni in England (and/or maybe Ireland) next year, and I definitely want to go visit a stone circle to call for the Goddess, the Horned Hunter and the Earth Spirits to release my spirit, to free me of all chains that bind me. They are Nature's temples. 


Drombeg Stone Circle 


Reclaim your Her- and His-Story!

I just had to point something out, at the moment. I'm essentially a quite indulgent guy, but that's not always positive. People used me a lot -- friends and people I barely know, alike.
Now, don't get me wrong -- I really like making my friends happy and helping them!
BUT only if I want to do that... It cant be possible that I help someone once, and they keep on asking me for more and more and more... That way every friendship ends and there's not even real sympathy between the two of them... And if they only talk to/write you if they want something, it's better for you to write this friendship off. And that's what I'm going to do with a lot of people, including this guy from two years ago, the girl I met 3 years ago, that guy from 2 years ago... and classmates. xx Let it go, stay beautiful.

A quite special book...

Since my friend Chelsea already posted a small picture+paragraph to this topic, I'll just link her blog here:
Basically, I decided to get this really cute little journal (the cover is really shimmery, reminding me of the Fae/the Shining Ones as they're called in Irish mythology, as well as a different perception of/a different reality itself. There are the flowers which are important in Paganism since everything in Nature is sacred, but the Divine is also on a different level than we are, so the flower's are kinda abstract.
Initially, there was a pendant on the bookmark thread with the company's logo sign on it, but I switched it to the pentagram with the moon crescent.
Every Pagan, Wiccan or Witch this book goes to will add something to it. A poem, a prayer, a chant, a ritual, an inspirational text etc. And there is no limitation to the number of entries that one person can write. The more, the merrier.

note to Mabel: Thanks for lining up your peeps to right in there. It's gonna be amazing. :D And your entry, I'm sure, is quite stunning, as well! x


What is safety? When do you feel safe, protected, and loved?
Of course, when you're with your family (if you grew up in a loving family, of course... I did,so family is quite important for me)... They've known you longer than anybody else. They love you and aren't embarassed by you. To me, they are somehow like God and Goddess on Earth...
Which leads me to my next point: The God and the Goddess. They are our Divine parents, the Creators, the Source from which everything came from. They are with us, in us, and surrounding us all times. The common theory is when we die, we return unto them, again, and are reunited... Sounds like safety and love, huh?
The last thing I want to talk about is your personal haven... Everyone should find one in their life. We are like birds that instinctively build their nests. We want to build our nest, our haven, our place of safety. This can be different things... to me, it is my religion, Paganism, my family - I love them so much -, reading/Writing/mythology - loved it since I was a child -, and some of my witchy online friends.

Find your haven, find your safety points, and enjoy + relax. xx

Samstag, 21. April 2012

It's a party with Cheggy X!!!!!

Check out this chick, she's rocking, kids, she gotta be from outta town...
So hard with my Cheggy X not around me, it's definitely not a Buxton Party,
that's when I turned on the radio and a Mabel song was on... A Mabel song was on...
A Mabel song was on...
So I click that link thing, and the Cheggy words fly my way...
Yeeeeeah, it's a party with Chel-Say...

Check out this girl, she's amazing!!! She's genuine and nice and funny and everything. 

So if ANYONE reads this: Please, please check her vids out! :D
Love you, Dreamer!!! 


Earth Day!!!

Its Earth Day.
Honour the Earth, she's our Mother.

OMG i SO had to share this picture!!! I dont own it, but.... I always wanted to live in a tower with a LOT of antique stuff and baubles etc. in the light of a candle and even a tree growing in my room! HA! I love this picture <3 It recalls memories *sigh* maybe I'll live in a tower one day, like the Sage of a village or so lol or the Wise Owl... xx

New Moon.

Today, or tonight, I should say, we have the phase of the Dark or New Moon.
I am kinda split into two, as I really love the concept of a Triple Goddess, Three forms of Her.
However, when looking at the moonphases, you see that there aren't enough faces or phases of the Goddess, as there are basically four stages of the Moon: waxing, Full, waning, and Dark/New.
I read in a book about four faces of the Goddess, the Light Maiden (Waxing), the Mother (Full), the Dark Maiden (Waning), and the Crone (Dark). I am not sure how I feel about this, I so far have only worked with the Triple and not the Fourfold Goddess... However, in the book The Mists Of Avalon (highly recommending it), there are also four faces of Her in the beginning; the three known forms, and a fourth form, one "that we should hope we're never going to meet", one that's hidden, unknown, and whatnot.
However, to me, the Dark Moon is definitely the Crone, the Wisewoman, the Grandmother.
The Dark Moon is basically when the Earth Mother and the Moon Goddess are finally reunited and merge into one as the shadow of the Earth meets the surface of the moon. It's a time when you should if possible reduce your magickal working to the minimum, no active magick, only meditation and general prayers. However, if you desire and need wisdom and knowledge, you can scry or ask the Dark Mother or Crone for help. I'd recommend "darker" scrying techniques, such as a scrying mirror, a black bowl of water, bones or maybe runes. The New Moon also means stagnation as well as the chance for new beginnings and new opportunities. If any spells are to be done that call on growing or increasing or drawing something near, you should start at the last of three days of the Dark Moon so that they have half of the moon's cycle to grow and develop.
Animals I connect to the Dark Moon are Ravens, Bats, Spiders and Cats. Herbs I'd recommend are (poisonous! Dont eat them or keep them around freely at your place! Danger of being poisoned!) Yew, Belladonna, Hemlock, Henbane, Aconite, and Thornapple. Mushrooms, as well, as they prefer to grow in dark places, such as shadows and dark, deep woods. Goddesses of the Dark Moon are Cerridwen, the Cailleach, Hekate, Kali, Durgha, the Morrighan and Nyx.
What I might do tonight or tomorrow night is a meditation to Cerridwen.
Dark Moon and Crone blessings to you :) xx

The Goddess' Prayer

*note: I did NOT write this, nor does this picture belong to me. I found it online, and thought I'd share.*

Our Mother

Who Art All around us

Hallowed be thy soil.

Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On Earth, as it has been forever.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us should we forget to thank You,

As we forgive those who forget to thank us.

Let us not forget that we are Your children,

As are all the Earth’s creatures,

(Each provided for by Her bounty,

And governed by Her laws.)

None more important than any other.

My working altar...

Sooo, this is my main altar...
I really love it, although it's not the typical four-elemental representation, God and Goddess section altar, but...
I designed it after my Celtic beliefs, and... except the Angel bowl thing (I dont work with Angels, they're too Christian for me, I prefer faeries) I really like the outcome of it.
It's got these two images of the God and Goddess united on it, which is quite important to me to get the balance. Then there are my Prayer beads, which hang over the big picture... Unfortunately, I dont pray a lot with them *sigh* I should change that, i MUST change that... one got a faerie with a pentacle on it, and the other one a Goddess pendant. Green and black are powerful colours, to me... the crystal half ball thingie with the mini swords in it (one highlander sword, and one Glastonbury sword, I believe) should represent the sword in the stone to me -- as I work with the Celtic and the Arthurian paganism form, and... it just belongs there...
Other than that I got my blue Avalon candle on there, my two incense holders (I lost the first one, then got the other one via internet with a pretty celtic design on it, and then found the lost one again, so... yeeah...) the blade kind of thingie is a sharp stone I found and painted silver with green spirals... I use it as an athame, as Im under 18 and therefore not allowed to buy daggers...
Yeah, I hope you like it, and get inspired, too :) Blessings xx

A Love Shrine...

Okay, I'll definitely write a post on what I think about love, soulmates etc., but this has to come first.
It's almost Bealtainne, and after an encounter with someone I once thought to possibly be a soulmate, I was bitterly disappointed, and decided to not focus on one person, but to give it into the hands of the Goddess to draw me and my soulmate(s) together.
I did this by going to the woods, every day (since I have school, again, I can't do this anymore), and giving some offering - flowers, blossoms, a piece of parchment, a self-painted stone - to the spirits, faeries, dragons, the god and the Goddess at a special rock, I visualized the properties that person should have, and asked for them to come my way.
However, today in the afternoon, I suddenly put up a small shrine dedicated to Love, The Great Rite, Soulmates, The Union Of The Horned One And The Goddess. It looks like this:

I used a small wooden box as the base for it. This was just a plain, cheap wooden box I got from an Arts and Craft store, and I painted it black and added a Goddess symbol with a pentagram in the Full Moon with white paint. Today, in the afternoon, I put this lovely picture of the Horned Hunter/the King Stag and the virgin Maiden Goddess to it as to me, they are the ultimate lovers, the creators, the ones that are the source of all love in us. Although my path is mostly Celtic, I decided to add the shell as I kind of love Aphrodite (I MUST meditate on her and see whether I'll work with her, as well, the next time), and shells/water represent healing (from past wounds), emotion, feeling and intuition as well as the Divine Feminine to me, and I put a plastic rose in it. The rose is -- of course -- to represent love and passion, and it's plastic as I didn't want to hurt any living flower, and this one can't wither -- hopefully, the love with my soulmate if I find them won't wither, either. The last thing I did was add rose quartz crystals. Rose quartz is for healing, emotion, and love, it helps you evoke feelings of sympathy and to draw near your soulmate. 

It's a pretty basic shrine, but... we'll see how it works for me. 
Here's another pic, a close-up, I think...

Goddess Bless, everyone. 

musings about wicca, ramblings about paganism, notions about the Goddess

Listen to chants of ancient Mothers, ancient Fathers.
Listen to the voice of the Goddess chanting and invoking you.

This blog will be some kind of an online Book of Shadows, kind of like a journal of my own spiritual journey.
It will mirror myself and my Pagan path. i found it not that easy to keep a handwritten BoS, so I thought I'd do one online. Feel free to comment, subscribe and be inspired.

Remember, you are God. You are Goddess. You are Everything.
She is Alive within you, and Magick is afoot.
